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  • 区域发展与地方治理

  • 新文化地理学

  • 人文地理关键带研究

  • 城市与移民

  • 自然的社会建构


  • 本科生:《地理科学导论》、《人文地理》、《文化地理学》、《小班研讨》

  • 研究生:《地理科学前沿讲座》、《人文地理研究方法》、《移民治理》


  • 1986.09-1990.07,南京信息工程大学(原南京气象学院气象系)毕业,获理学学士学位;

  • 1993.08-1996.07,兰州大学地理系,获理学硕士学位;

  • 1993.08-1999.06,中山大学城市与区域研究中心,获理学博士;

  • 1990.08-1993.07,兰州气象学校(现兰州资源环境职业技术大学)助教;

  • 1999.07-2000.02,广东省城市发展研究中心,工程师;

  • 2000.03-2008.10,中山大学旅游发展与规划研究中心、区域与城市规划系任教(2007.10系副主任),讲师、副研究员(硕士生导师)、教授、博士生导师;

  • 2005.4-2005.12,澳大利亚Griffith 大学商学院旅游、休闲、酒店和运动管理系访问学者;

  • 2008.11-2018.09,华南师范大学,副董事长;

  • 2018.10-迄今,银河官网7163地理与遥感学院教授、博士生导师;银河官网7163华南人文地理与城市发展中心主任;

  • 2019. 5-迄今,广东省社会科学研究基地:广东省城市与移民研究中心主任;

  • 2020.9--迄今,广东省普通高校特色新型智库主任;

  • 2022.1-2025.12 广东乡村地域系统野外科学观测研究站站长。


  • 主持2021年国家社科基金重大项目:革命老区红色文化+旅游融合发展(21&ZD179)(2022-2024),经费:60万;

  • 主持国家自然科学基金重点项目:全球化背景下城市移民的人地互动和地方协商研究——以珠三角为例(41630635)(2017-2021),经费:250万;

  • 主持国家自然科学基金战略研究类项目:迈向人文与自然的综合:人-地互动中的关键带研究(42142025)(2022.1-2022.12),经费:23万

  • 主持广东自然科学基金团队项目:基于“人-地”视角的区域融合与发展:转型期广东自然的社会建构过程、机制及其效应(2018B030312004)(2019-2023),经费:300万;

  • 主持2022 年度广东省平台基地及科技基础条件建设项目:广东乡村地域系统野外科学观测研究站项目(2022-2025),300万;

  • 主持国家自然科学基金项目:“转型期自然的社会建构过程、机制及其效应:基于广东和云南的比较”(41971184)(2020-2023),经费:57万;

  • 主持广东省普通高校创新团队项目:区域发展与区域战略(自然科学)(2021KCXTD018),广东省教育厅,2021年;

  • 主持广东省学位与研究生教育改革研究项目:全球视野与地方责任:境外访学对研究生学业及生涯发展的综合影响评价(2021JGXM083);

  • 主持广东省教育科研项目(高校):基于成果导向(OBE)的引导型教学模式:以《文化地理学》课程为例(2021GXJK164)

  • 主持“973”计划前期研究专项:全球化背景下的区域人文响应——广东案例(2014CB460614), 时间:2014-2016(已结题);

  • 主持国家自然科学基金项目:转型时期中国城市新移民的地方感与文化身份,认同研究——以珠三角为例(41171125),时间:2012-2015(已结题);

  • 联合主持国家自然科学基金项目:教育地理学:国际学校员工身份认同的建构与协商(41328002),时间:2014-2016(已结题);

  • 主持文化和旅游部宏观决策重点课题:社会转型与旅游优质发展:新挑战、新要求与新对策,2019.10-11(已结题)。



  • Ning An, Min Wang & Hong Zhu* (2022): The geopolitics of a female Chinese migrant charity network in Zimbabwe: Insights from Love in Africa, Social & Cultural Geography,DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2022.2053195

  • Lily Kong & Orlando Woods & Hong Zhu, "The (de)territorialised appeal of international schools in China: Forging brands, boundaries and inter-belonging in segregated urban space,"  Urban Studies202259(1)242-258

  • Xudan Lin, Hong Zhu, Duo Yin*. Enhancing Rural Resilience in a Tea Town of China: Exploring Tea Farmers’ Knowledge Production for Tea Planting, Tea Processing and Tea Tasting. Land 2022, 11, 583. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11040583

  • Hong Zhu,Junxi Qian. New theoretical dialogues on migration in China: introduction to the special issue. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,2021,4712):2685-2705Q1区,第一作者)

  • Duo Yin, Zhenjie Yuan, Jie Li, Hong Zhu*. Mitigate human-wildlife conflict in China [J] .Science, 2021, Doi: 10.1126/science.abj8766.

  • Lei Wei , Junxi Qian, Hong Zhu*.Rethinking indigenous people as tourists: modernity, cosmopolitanism, and the re-invention of indigeneity. Annals of Tourism Research,89 (2021) 103200( Q1区,通讯作者)

  • Yong Xu, Yimeng Song d,* , Jixuan Cai, Hong Zhu*. Population mapping in China with Tencent social user and remote sensing data. Applied Geography2021 ( Q1区,共同通讯作者)

  • Feng D, Zhu H*& Yihan Wang. Migrant resettlement in rural China: Homemaking and sense of belonging after domicide [J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.12.007( Q1区,通讯作者)

  • Dan Feng, Hong Zhu,Yihan Wang. Agency and mobility in the context of development-induced migration: the case of Three Gorges out-migrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,2021,4712):2745-2759Q1区,通讯作者)

  • Duo Yin, Quan Gao, Hong Zhu*, Jie Li. Public perception of urban companion animals during the COVID-19 outbreak in China. Health and Place,202065(9)1-8.Q1区,通讯作者)

  • Jie Li, Jun Li, Xiaoru Xie, Xiaomei Cai, Jian Huang,Xuemei Tian, Hong Zhu*.Game consumption and the 2019 novel coronavirus. Lancet Infect Dis 2020,Published OnlineFebruary 7, 2020,https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30063-3Q1区,通讯作者)

  • Xie, X.; Huang, L.; Li, J.J.; Zhu, H*. Generational Differences in Perceptions of Food Health/Risk and Attitudes toward Organic Food and Game Meat: The Case of the COVID-19 Crisis in China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 3148.Q1区,通讯作者)

  • Haobin Ye; Vincent Wing Sun Tung; Jun (Justin) Li*,Hong Zhu*.Leader Humility, Team Humility and Employee Creative Performance: The Moderating Roles of Task Dependence and Competitive Climate.Tourism Management,2020,81 (2020) 104170 Q1区,共同通讯作者)

  • Zhenjie Yuan Hong Zhu*.Uyghur educational elites in China: mobility and subjectivity uncertainty on a life-transforming journey, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies .20201-22Q1区,通讯作者)

  • Quan Gao , Duo Yin , Hong Zhu* Urban regeneration and emotional politics of place in Liede Village, Guangzhou, ChinaHabitat International103 (2020) 102199 1-8Q1区,通讯作者)

  • Qian,J.*,Yuan, Z.,Li,J.Zhu,H*(2020).SCI and scientific evaluation system in China.Humanities and Social Sciences Communications,7,108.https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-020-00604-w (Nature子刊)

  • Quan Gao, Duo Yin, Hong Zhu* & Xiaoliang Chen.Lived religion under neoliberal transition: work/leisure and migrant workers in Shenzhen, China. Social & Cultural Geography,2019.1681021

  • Chun Chen, Zhenjie Yuan & Hong Zhu*. Playing, parenting and family leisure in parks:exploring emotional geographies of families in Guangzhou Childrens Park, China. Childrens Geographies, 2019.1676879

  • Duo Yin, Junxi Qian, Hong Zhu*, Frontier development in the midst of ecological civilization: Unravelling the production of maca in Yunnan, China. Geoforum,2019, 106:144-154 (SSCI)

  • Ling Ma, Orlando Woods, Hong Zhu*. Restoration of an ancestral temple in Guangzhou, China: re-imagining history and traditions through devotion to art and creation. Cultural Geographies, 2018.1-9. (SSCI)

  • Gao Quan, Yin Duo, Zhu Hong*. Secularisation and resistant politics of sacred space in Guangzhou's ancestral temple, China. Area, 2018,(10):1~8. (SSCI)

  • Yuan Zhengjie, Junwanguo Guo, Zhu Hong*. Confucius Institutes and the limitations of Chinas global cultural network. China Information, 2017,30(3), 334-356. (SSCI)

  • An Ning, Cai Xiaomei, Zhu Hong*. Gaps in Chinese geopolitical Research, Political Geography,2017,59:136-138. ((Q1,通讯作者))

  • Yuan Zhenjie, Junxi Qian, Zhu Hong*. The Xinjiang Class: Multi-ethnic Encounters in an Eastern Coastal City, The China Quarterly,2017,32(11). (Q1,通讯作者)

  • Ning An, Chen Liu, Hong Zhu*.Popular geopolitics of Chinese Nanjing massacre films: a feminist approach. Gender,Place and Culture,2016,23(6):786-800.(SSCI)

  • Zhu Hong, Wei Hongni.Think global and act local: Voices of Chinese human geographers in the international arena. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2016, 26(8): 1001-1018 (SCI)

  • Junxi QianHong Zhu. Writing Tibet as Han Chinese sojourners: the discourses, practices and politics of place in an era of rapid development. Geographical Journal, 2016, 182(4):418-428. (SSCI)

  • Junxi Qian, Hong Zhu*. Han Chinese drifters in Lhasa: the ambivalent cultural politics of Tibetanness amidst Chinas geographies of modernity. Social & Cultural Geography,2016, 17(7):1-21. (DOI: 10.1080/14649365). (SSCI)

  • Hong Zhu, Junxi Qian .Drifting in Lhasa: Cultural Encounter, Contested Modernity, and the Negotiation of Tibetanness. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 2015, 105(1):144161. (Q1)

  • Dan Feng, Werner Breitung, Hong Zhu. Creating and defending concepts of home in suburban Guangzhou. Eurasian Geography and Economics,2014, 55(4):381-403. (SSCI)

  • Liu Chen, An Ning, Zhu Hong*. A geopolitical analysis of popular songs in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, 1983-2013. Geopolitics,2015,20(3):606-625. (SSCI)

  • Chen Liu, Xiaomei Cai,Hong Zhu. Eating out ethically: an analysis of the influence of ethical food consumption in a vegetarian restaurant in Guangzhou China, Geographical Review,2015,105(4):551-565. (SSCI)

  • Zhu Hong, Chen Xiaoliang, Qian Junxi. Charting the development of  social  and  cultural  geography  in Mainland China: Voices from the inside. Social & Cultural Geography,2014,15(3):255-283. (SSCI)

  • Zhenjie Yuan, Junxi Qian, Hong Zhu*. Christianity, ethnic identity and resistant politics in Shimenkan, China. Environment and Planning A-Economy and Space,2014,46:1620-1637. (SSCI)

  • Junxi Qian, Hong Zhu*. Chinese urban migrants sense of place: Emotional attachment, identity formation, and place dependence in the city and community of Guangzhou. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 2014,55(1):81101. (SSCI)

  • Zhuang Xiaoping, Hong Zhu & Suqiu Deng.Institutional ethical analysis of resident perceptions of tourism in two Chinese villages. Tourism Geographies,2014,16(5):785-798. (SSCI)

  • 魏雷,朱竑*.地理学视角下非物质文化遗产的跨地方实践.地理学报, 2022,772):492-504

  • 尹铎,朱竑*.云南典型山地乡村农业扶贫的机制与效应研究——以特色经济作物种植为例. 地理学报,2022,774: 888-899.

  • 姜磊,陈星宇,朱竑*.中国城市养老院的空间分布特征及其分异成因.地理学报,2021,768):1951-1964

  • 卢薇,尹铎,朱竑*. 西方超越人类的地理学研究进展.地理学报,2019,7410):2150-2163.

  • 王敏,赵美婷,朱竑*.广州河涌的自然社会构建与城市记忆.地理学报,2019,742):353-365

  • 安宁,冯秋怡,朱竑*.基于报业话语的广州非裔社区的空间想象分析. 地理学报,2019748):1650-1662.

  • 陈淳,袁振杰,朱竑*.城镇化背景下广州流动儿童对家空间的建构.地理学报,2018,73(12):2440-2451.

  • 马凌,李丽梅,朱竑*.中国城市舒适物评价指标体系构建与实证.地理学 ,2018,73 (4):755-770.

  • 刘博,朱竑*. 全球化形象与环保形象对消费行为意向的影响——基于国际快时尚品牌H&M的案例. 地理学报,2017.72(4):699-710.

  • 王敏,林钿,江荣灏,朱竑*. 传统节庆、身体与展演空间——基于人文地理学视觉量化方法的研究. 地理学报,2017.72(4):671-684.

  • 陶伟,王绍续,朱竑*.广州拾荒者的身体实践与空间建构.地理学报,2017.72(12):2199-2213.

  • 尹铎,高权,朱竑*.广州鳄鱼公园野生动物旅游中的生命权力运作.地理学报,2017,72(10):1872-1885.

  • 朱竑,李如铁.微观视角下的移民地方感及其影响因素研究—以广州市城中村移民为例. 地理学报, 2016,71(4):637648.

  • 安宁,钱俊希,陈晓亮,朱竑*.国际上的政治地理学研究进展与启示—对Political Geography 杂志2005-2015 年载文的分析. 地理学报,2016,71(2):217-235.

  • 钱俊希, 杨槿,朱竑*. 现代性语境下地方性与身份认同的建构—以拉萨“藏漂”群体为例.地理学报,2015,70(8):1281-1295.

  • 谢晓如,封丹,朱竑*. 对文化微空间的感知与认同研究—以广州太古汇方所文化书店为例. 地理学报,2014,69(2):184-198.



徐勇,朱竑. 一种基于影像直线特征的屋顶面分割方法,2019106334352.


[1] 2022年获得中国科学院精准扶贫评估研究中心颁发的国家精准扶贫工作成效第三方评估先进个人

[2]2021 年人文地理团队获得银河官网7163黄大年教学团队五星级(团队,带头人)











[13] 《人文地理学》获批银河官网71632021-2022学年度省级一流课程(线上)培育建设项目(教务〔2022〕47号)


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